Here’s a suggestion for a Nude Year’s Resolution that can increase acceptance of nudism. Let some of the textiles that you live and work with know you are a nudist. By doing this, nudists are no longer ‘others’. It puts a non threatening face on nudism. Each of us has our own individual comfort level about who knows we participate in social nudism. I propose that each of us takes a small step out of the clothes closet. This will be different for each of us. I am very open about being a nudist. Last year, it was a stretch when I agreed to enter a Toastmasters Humorous Speech contest with a speech titled “How to pack for a nude cruise”. But I did it. It was well received. Afterwards, I was asked questions and was able to to talk about the various nudist venues in the area. I also added that I wrote the AANRMobile app for Android to my professional resume. Now, I have to figure out what to do in the coming year. My challenge to you is “Are you willing to take a small step out of your comfort zone?” Not only will it help nudist acceptance, but it can be very freeing to conquer a personal fear. Send me your ideas and I will share
them (anonymously if you prefer) .